With experience and competence for high quality goods standards

The high quality of our products is our daily effort and an important part of our corporate culture. Our quality management ensures safety and traceability along the entire supply chain. Internal and external testing laboratories always monitor the quality of the raw materials. This ensures our high demands on taste, origin and naturalness of raw materials.
Quality control
We source our raw materials in accordance with detailed specifications that accurately describe the required condition. Upon delivery, quality assurance performs extensive incoming goods inspections. This is done in accordance with a specified sampling plan. In the in-house laboratory we control the sensory parameters such as taste, appearance and smell as well as purity, product-specific characteristics such as size, count or damage.
External accredited laboratories examine the raw materials for residues such as pesticides, heavy metals, microbiology and mold toxins. Many raw materials we buy only after presentation of a flawless preliminary analysis in the origin and check the goods on arrival again.

The seven-member team of experienced employees consists of nutritionists and food technologists. The variety of raw materials requires high competence in the assessment of quality. On a regular basis, employees carry out supplier audits on a random basis to check the conditions on site.
Several times a year, the Lacon organic inspection body checks our company for compliance with EU Organic Regulation No. 2018/848. Some products carry the Fairtrade seal. Again, there is an annual compliance check. We are also certified in accordance with the IFS Broker Standard.
The certificates can be downloaded here.